We’ve Teamed Up With Travello

It is important you stay safe and stay home right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay inspired, discover new destinations and connect with other travellers from the comfort of your coach!

We’ve teamed up with Travello – an Aussie based social network for travellers so that you can do all of the above plus so much more while we’re all waiting for the world to open for business again. Joining Travello is 100% free and only takes 2 minutes!

About Travello

Travello is an awesome app that helps travellers connect with other travellers when arriving at a destination. It helps you meet new people, groups and hopefully life-long friends. You can also book some awesome excursions on their app in the destination you are located in. Check them out for yourself on their website here, or find out more on their socials Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

We’re Shouting You $15

To thank you for your continued support we’re shouting you $15 to put towards your next local or international experience that you can book through Travello. Just use the link here to join Travello and your $15 will be waiting for you in your app! Find out some of their awesome activities that you can chose from here.

Travelling With Pelikin

We love travelling, and we love our squad who travel with us. We are hoping everyone is staying safe and staying at home. The sooner we do, the sooner we can start travelling the world together. If you haven’t checked out Pelikin yet, then find out about our awesome features here, including getting access to exclusive Squad Perks and maybe when you are back in the air again, we will be with you!

If you haven’t signed up with Pelikin, then do so now, find out more here, or download our app now on either Apple or Android.

Apple Obsessed? Get Pelikin now 

Android Lover? Get Pelikin Now

We are always on the lookout for big or small, epic brands and businesses who may want to partner up with us! If you know of any, or are keen to find out more then get in touch with partners@pelikinmoney.com! Let’s achieve awesome things together.